Corporate Marketing & Communications51 Videos

Visa RTMT, 2012

Director of Photography for this Visa video produced by Spin Picture’s Betsy Parker.

LinkedIn “Bias in Performance Review Conversations” Training Video, 2019

I was the director of photography for a series of these LinkedIn HR employee videos for LinkedIn, produced by Inner Circle Creative. Shot on Sony FS7 and Sony A7SII with a three person crew.

Intuit “t4i FY’19 Q1 A Look Back” Sizzle Reel, 2019

Intuit Tech For Intuit “t4i” Group All Hands Sizzle Reel. Editing with Adobe After Effects Motion Graphics Template.

LinkedIn: Unconscious Bias “Similar to Me” Video, 2018

I was the director of photography for a series of these LinkedIn HR employee  video for LinkedIn, produced by Inner Circle Creative. Shot on Sony FS7 and Sony A7SII with a three person crew.

Intuit “Be Yourself” HR All Hands Video, 2010

Edited for Intuit’s Human Resources Group. Edited on Final Cut Pro 7.0 with basic motion graphics effects using client supplied video clips and photos.

Turing Video: “Robotics & Drone Security: for Inner Circle Creative, 2017

I was this the Director of Photography for this marketing video produced by Inner Circle Creative in 2017, shot on my Sony FS7 and Sony A7SII.

Sony FX9 Samples

Recent samples of talking head interviews and teleprompter reads shot on the Sony FX9 with Sony Prime Lenses with a three person crew: DP, Grip, & PA.

Intuit “t4i FY’19 Q2 A Look Back” Sizzle Reel, 2019

Intuit Tech For Intuit “t4i” Group All Hands Sizzle Reel. Editing with Adobe After Effects Motion Graphics Template.

Intel ALP China Highlights (Editor), 2015

Highlights Intel’s ALP “Accelerated Leadship Program” in China for Four Winds Productions, San Jose, CA

Intuit “Military Network” HR All Hands Video, 2010

Shot and Edited for Intuit’s Human Resources Group. Edited on Final Cut Pro 7.0 with basic motion graphics effects using client supplied video clips, self-shot testimonials and photos along with testimonials I shot with a Panasonic HPX 370 against a white background and was able to composite using luma key settings in FCP 7.

Intuit “EBS A Look Back – FY’17 Q2”, 2017

Inuit EBS All Hands Sizzle Reel. Editing with Adobe After Effects Motion Graphics Template.

Intuit “t4i FY’19 Q3 A Look Back” Sizzle Reel, 2019

Intuit Tech For Intuit “t4i” Group All Hands Sizzle Reel. Editing with Adobe After Effects Motion Graphics Template.

Intel ALP Interns Highlights (Editor), 2015

Highlights Intel’s ALP Program for Interns from 2015 for Four Winds Productions, San Jose, CA

Intuit “Employee Engagement” HR All Hands Video, 2010

Edited and shot for Intuit’s Human Resources Group. Edited on Final Cut Pro 7.0 with Apple Motion graphics effects using some client supplied video clips and photos. Key testimonials were shot by me on a Panasonic HPX 300 camera.

Intuit “IDG Marketing Group” Sizzle Reel, 2015.

Intuit IDG Marketing Group All Hands Sizzle Reel. Editing with Adobe After Effects Motion Graphics Template.

Intuit “t4i FY’20 Q1 A Look Back” Sizzle Reel, 2020

Intuit Tech For Intuit “t4i” Group All Hands Sizzle Reel. Editing with Adobe After Effects Motion Graphics Template.

LinkedIn: Unconscious Bias “Parenthood” Video, 2016

I was the director of photography for a series of these LinkedIn HR employee  video for LinkedIn, produced by Inner Circle Creative. Shot on Sony FS7 and Sony A7SII with a three person crew.

Intuit “Executives on Diversity & Inclusion” Long Form HR All Hands Video, 2011

Edited and shot for Intuit’s Human Resources Group. Edited on Final Cut Pro 7.0 with Apple Motion graphics effects using some client supplied video clips and photos. Key testimonials were shot by me on a Panasonic HPX 370 camera some against white background and composited in FCP using the luma key tool. The longer 9 […]

Intuit “EBS FY’17 Q3 A Look Back” 2017

Inuit EBS All Hands Sizzle Reel. Editing with Adobe After Effects Motion Graphics Template.

Brocade Sons and Daughters Day, 2013

A fun sizzle video for Brocade, Inc. Shot and edited by Turtle Island Productions’ James Fortier.

Intuit “t4i FY’19 Q4 A Look Back” Sizzle Reel, 2019

Intuit Tech For Intuit “t4i” Group All Hands Sizzle Reel. Editing with Adobe After Effects Motion Graphics Template.

LinkedIn: Unconscious Bias “Introvert Extrovert” Video, 2018

I was the director of photography for a series of these LinkedIn HR employee  video for LinkedIn, produced by Inner Circle Creative. Shot on Sony FS7 and Sony A7SII with a three person crew.

Intuit “Diversity Gallery” HR All Hands Video, 2010

Edited for Intuit’s Human Resources Group. Edited on Final Cut Pro 7.0 with basic motion graphics effects using client supplied video clips and photos.

Intuit “SBG FY’15 Q2 Highlights” Sizzle Reel, 2015

Intuit Small Business Group All Hands Sizzle Reel. Editing with Adobe After Effects Motion Graphics Template.

Intuit HireSmart Summit, 2015

Sizzle reel for Intuit’s “HireSmart” weekend summit. Shot on Sony FX7 and edited in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Intuit “CTO DEV Thank You” Video, 2018

Intuit CTO Group All Hands Video. Editing with client-supplied video messages using Adobe After Effects Motion Graphics Template.

LinkedIn: Unconscious Bias “Out Group” Video, 2018

I was the director of photography for a series of these LinkedIn HR employee videos for LinkedIn, produced by Inner Circle Creative. Shot on Sony FS7 and Sony A7SII with a three person crew.

Intuit “LGBT Inclusion” HR All Hands, Long Form Video, 2010

Intuit Human Resources Group All Hands Long Form Video. Edited in FCP 7.0 with basic motion graphics. I shot this with Panasonic HPX 300 Camera. The longer 11 minute format allowed a more documentary storytelling approach.

Intuit “EBS FY’17 Q4 A Look Back” Sizzle Reel, 2017

Intuit EBS Group All Hands Sizzle Reel. Editing with Adobe After Effects Motion Graphics Template.

Intuit Partnering with Workday, 2013

Profiles Intuits partnership with Workday, Inc. Shot on the Panasonic HPX 370 and edited in Adobe Premier Pro.

Intuit “HR 2010 In Review”, 2010

Intuit Human Resources Group All Hands video. Edited in FCP 7.0 with Apple Motion graphics template modifications.

LinkedIn: Unconscious Bias “Sexual Orientation” Video, 2016

I was the director of photography for a series of these LinkedIn HR employee  video for LinkedIn, produced by Inner Circle Creative. Shot on Sony FS7 and Sony A7SII with a three person crew.

Intuit “World Day for Cultural Diversity” HR All Hands Video, 2011

Edited and shot for Intuit’s Human Resources Group. Edited on Final Cut Pro 7.0 with basic motion graphics effects using some client supplied video clips and photos. Event interviews were shot by me on a Panasonic HPX 370 camera. I also was a live event Camera Op and Lighting Director for the clips from previous […]