I was the director of photography for a series of these LinkedIn HR employee video for LinkedIn, produced by Inner Circle Creative. Shot on Sony FS7 and Sony A7SII with a three person crew.
Edited and shot for Intuit’s Human Resources Group. Edited on Final Cut Pro 7.0 with Apple Motion graphics effects using some client supplied video clips and photos. Key testimonials were shot by me on a Panasonic HPX 370 camera some against white background and composited in FCP using the luma key tool. The longer 9 […]
I was the director of photography for a series of these LinkedIn HR employee video for LinkedIn, produced by Inner Circle Creative. Shot on Sony FS7 and Sony A7SII with a three person crew.
Edited for Intuit’s Human Resources Group. Edited on Final Cut Pro 7.0 with basic motion graphics effects using client supplied video clips and photos.
I was the director of photography for a series of these LinkedIn HR employee videos for LinkedIn, produced by Inner Circle Creative. Shot on Sony FS7 and Sony A7SII with a three person crew.
Intuit Human Resources Group All Hands Long Form Video. Edited in FCP 7.0 with basic motion graphics. I shot this with Panasonic HPX 300 Camera. The longer 11 minute format allowed a more documentary storytelling approach.
I was the director of photography for a series of these LinkedIn HR employee video for LinkedIn, produced by Inner Circle Creative. Shot on Sony FS7 and Sony A7SII with a three person crew.
Edited and shot for Intuit’s Human Resources Group. Edited on Final Cut Pro 7.0 with basic motion graphics effects using some client supplied video clips and photos. Event interviews were shot by me on a Panasonic HPX 370 camera. I also was a live event Camera Op and Lighting Director for the clips from previous […]
Intuit Human Resources Group All Hands Long Form Video. Edited in FCP 7.0 with Apple Motion graphics template modifications. I shot this with Panasonic HPX 300 Camera. The longer 22-minute format allowed a more documentary storytelling approach.
I was the director of photography for a series of these LinkedIn HR employee video for LinkedIn, produced by Inner Circle Creative. Shot on Sony FS7 and Sony A7SII with a three person crew.
Edited and shot for Intuit’s Human Resources Group. Edited on Final Cut Pro 7.0 with Apple Motion graphics effects using some client supplied video clips and photos. Key testimonials were shot by me on a Panasonic HPX 370 camera some against white background and composited in FCP using the luma key tool. The longer nearly […]
Intuit Human Resources Group All Hands Long Form Video. Edited in Final Cut Pro 7.0 using Apple Motion graphics template modifications. I shot this with a Panasonic HPX 370 Camera. The longer 5-minute format allowed a more “news magazine” storytelling approach.
Intuit Human Resources Group All Hands video. Edited in FCP 7.0 with Apple Motion graphics template modifications with client supplied photos and graphic elements.
Shot and edited for Intuit’s Partner Platform Development Group. Edited in Adobe Premiere Pro with Adobe After Effects motion graphics template modifications. I shot this with a Panasonic HPX-370 P2 Camera.