The Hudson’s Bay Co., Nicol Finlayson and the Scottish-Oji-Cree legacy he left behind in Northern Ontario
A work-in-progress documentary film and companion book proposal.
The history of the Hudson’s Bay Company’s Nicol Finlayson and the cultural and family legacy he left behind; from northern Ontario’s Long Lake to historic Fort William (Thunder Bay), on to Pic River, Pic Mobert, Michipicoten and beyond. A work-in-progress documentary film and companion book to honor my great-grandmother Agnes Finlayson-Michano, and my Finlayson ancestors and Anishinaabeg/Cree/Ojibway relatives of Long Lake, Pic River and Pic Mobert, along the north shore of Lake Superior (Kitchigaming), Ontario.
This 90-minute documentary will be the culmination of nearly thirty years of researching the history and legacy of HBC Chief Factor Nicol Finlayson (1794-1877). Our journey spans four Canadian provinces from Ungava Bay, Quebec to the Hudson’s and James Bay watersheds in norther Ontario, through the historic Métis Red River (Winnipeg) region of Manitoba, and across the prairies to Touchwood Hills and Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.
I am very excited about the potential for this project to teach our youth about this important history and provide them a platform that encourages and supports the technical and artistic expression of their own connection to this history, and the traditional territorial, familial, and cultural connections to the historic fur trade era and the legacy left behind by HBC Chief Factor Nicol Finlayson.
I will be creating a Facebook group page for this project soon to provide a central point of communications and the sharing of updates, ideas, logistics and more so stay tuned.
James M Fortier (Biigtigong Nishnaabeg/Pic River First Nation)
Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandson of Nicol Finlayson and Nancy Kanakashiwaite.