John Trudell on AIM and Alcatraz for “Never Ignored: The Story of AIM, the American Indian Movement”, 2012 (WIP Teaser)

I filmed this interview in Sausalito, CA in 1996 for my documentary “Alcatraz Is Not an Island.”  This and other clips were to be used in a proposed 90-minute documentary on the history of AIM, the American Indian Movement, which I was to co-produce with filmmaker Jay Rosenstein (“In Whose Honor”). Our attempts to secure funding from several sources, including ITVS and the Sundance Documentary Fund were rejected….”too controversial.” I own the rights to most of these interviews, and now after all of these leading AIM figures: Dennis Banks, Vernon and Clyde Bellecourt, John Trudell, and Russell Means have passed away, perhaps their story will finally be told. I will be posting complete unedited clips from their interviews

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